Objective of Workshop
Electrical Power System is a core course for any undergraduate programme in Electrical Engineering. It is expected to be the first course on this topic and is typically meant for participants who already have some introductory knowledge of Electric Circuits, Electric Machines and Control Systems. The course shall cover the basic foundations of Power System Analysis which can be used to assess effective Electric Power Delivery in practice. An awareness of available software tools for the purpose. Need for renewable energy resources will also be brought out. Participants are exposed to usefulness of employing ICT in developing smart grids. Through this course a participant is expected to be able to learn to properly identify as to what comprises an Electric Power System, examine its inherent complexity and explore different ways to develop an algorithmic solution by analyzing the various alternatives to finally develop a good practical solution that is supported by logical and theoretical justification.
Course Teaching Faculty
Professor N K Kishore, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur,
email: kishor@ee.iitkgp.ernet.in
Professor Shreevardhan A Soman , Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay,
email: soman@ee.iitb.ac.in
Professor Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIEST Kolkata,
email: gautamkabi@hotmail.com
Course Modules
- Introduction and Components of Power System
- Steady State Operation of Power System
- Power Flow Analysis
- Symmetrical Components
- Symmetrical Faults
- Un-symmetrical Faults
- Power System Stability
- Economic Operation of Power System
- Power System Protection
- Application of Software for Power System Analysis
- Recent Trends and Application of ICT in Power System Operation
- Overview of a Laboratory Course on Power Systems
- Control of Power Systems
- Renewable Energy Issues
Workshop Dates
10-15 July 2017
Total Participants - 36
Certified Participants - 31